At this time this shop is not offering classes. We are still working on setting up the new classroom at the new location.
Please continue
to check back often for updates on scheduled classes.
Soup & Sew Day:
Need space to sew, want to join some friends. I will make some soup to share for lunch. Call now to reserve your spot. $5 Date to be announced
Make your own Class:
Have you started a project and need help finishing or reminded how? Do you see a class you are interested in but the dates don’t work? Bring in any project you wish and I will help you finish it up. Call for dates. $25
Open Studio Sewing:
Work on your own project uninterrupted in the studio, together with new or old friends. Space limited to 4 spots so please call to reserve a space. Dates to be announced $5.00 per
session. Additional times may be available during shop hours!
session. Additional times may be available during shop hours!